The BEST Things About Wattpad – #5 – The People Out There (Fifth Edition)

I’ve always been a person who believes a lot in numbers and things associated with it. Until, @SamMaze told me that it’s an over glorified number! I think I’ll stick with that explanation, for now!

Excerpts from the interview –

akan_great16.128.33180What had you been doing?


Where I am currently: At the kitchen table, pondering my next plotline.


Tell us a few interesting things about yourself.

SamMaze.128.461825I am a young aspiring author that has been writing since elementary school. In a few years I plan to attend college to major in English. I have a wide variety of pets, from beta fish to rabbits. Quick fun fact: Rabbits are not as sweet and cuddly as they appear in Target Easter commercials. Depending on the breed (and personality), they can be as vicious as a rabid wolf or as shy as a fawn. Do your research before buying or adopting one!

akan_great16.128.33180 Was coming across Wattpad out of pure luck or someone happened to tell you about the same?

SamMaze.128.461825My friend actually told me about Wattpad, and it gave me a perfect outlet to share my tales with the world. Before this site my stories merely sat in a drawer after completion, but now they are actively gaining reads by the day! It’s quite fun to observe.

akan_great16.128.33180What is the one thing people will always find you doing?

SamMaze.128.461825People often find me teaching my rabbits a new trick, hanging out at Starbucks (Peppermint mochas are the best), or reading. I’m a rather simple person, and that is probably why my characters are so complex… because they fulfill my dreams of what I want to do in life.

akan_great16.128.33180What is the craziest theory you ever had in your mind?

SamMaze.128.461825The craziest thing that has ever crossed my mind would be when I once debated with a friend why a life-size bird house would be beneficial to humanity.

akan_great16.128.33180 A book where you wished you were one of the characters?

SamMaze.128.461825Yes! I remember reading the Chronicles of Narnia and wishing with all my might to be able to ride on a lion into a fantastic battle against evil.

akan_great16.128.33180 What are your sources of inspiration? (I totally make it sound like a Science class, I know)

SamMaze.128.461825Nature, and God, inspires my tales. From the wingtip of a butterfly to the crash of a wave, each detail of the wilderness brings joy to me and, in turn, brings my stories to life.

akan_great16.128.33180Ten to fifteen years from now, how and where do you see yourself?

SamMaze.128.461825I see myself as a published writer, probably married, and still goofing off with friends.

akan_great16.128.33180 Craziest wish?

SamMaze.128.461825My craziest wish is to become a New York Time’s bestseller haha. I pray that one day it will become a reality.

akan_great16.128.33180We pray for that too! Share with us some of the weirdest and best dishes you’ve tried.

SamMaze.128.461825I have tried raw salmon, buffalo burgers, and (unintentionally) spoiled peanut butter. The buffalo burgers were probably the best, because they tasted like normal burgers, but with more flavor.

akan_great16.128.33180 Can we expect an autobiography from you?

SamMaze.128.461825Yup! Well… actually I plan to write one once I do more with my life. More adventures must be made!

akan_great16.128.33180How would you describe your everyday life? Boring? Cliche? Average?

SamMaze.128.461825My life is pretty normal I suppose. School and hobbies take up my days from dawn to dusk. The typical life of an average character in a story is different depending on the book, but my general conclusion is that they usually go through a life changing experience that teaches the reader a life lesson of some sort. I’m not even going to go into details about the ultra-cliché character’s life… because most people are aware that everything must go their way, they get the girl/guy, and it ends in ‘happily ever after.’

akan_great16.128.33180The most overused plot award on Wattpad should go to?

SamMaze.128.461825 The most overused plot on Wattpad is the-nerdy-girl-gets-the-bad-boy-who-lives-next-door haha. I think it is very cliché. Maybe at first it was a hit, but now it has been watered down into the energy drink that powers first-time stories. Yes, I think too often writers these days look to the market to see what is selling before they start their book. I heavily disagree with this method. Write what you want to write, not what others want.

akan_great16.128.33180 Do you believe in any superstitions revolving around the number thirteen?

SamMaze.128.461825Nope, it’s just an over glorified number. 😉 It is bad luck for those who believe in superstitions.

@SamMaze ‘s book can be read by clicking on the cover.


Stay tuned for more!

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